
What is configuration?

Configuration is a set of settings that are necessary to build a minigame.

Default values for these settings are set in configurators.

The library has three types of configuration:

  1. PluginConfiguration - This configuration contains settings about plugin configuration

  • useDatabase (true|false) - enables or disables integration with SQL database

  • tablesPrefix (string) - prefix of every table in SQL database

  • useDefaultStatsSystem (true|false) - enables or disables using default stats system

  • arenaSaveType - (SINGLE_FILE | MANY_FILES) - sets arena save type (SINGLE_FILE - this type means arenas will be loaded from single file, MANY_FILES - every arena has single file)

  1. GameConfiguration

  • blockBreaking (true|false) - enables or disables breaking blocks during the game

  • blocksPlacing (true|false) - enables or disables placing blocks during the game

  • droppingItems (true|false) - enables or disables dropping itmes during the game

  1. CommandConfiguration - deprecated

  • doNotHavePermissionMessage (string)- sets a message which will be displayed when player don't have permission

  • onlyPlayersMessage (string) - sets a message which will be displayed when a command is not for player