
    is_not_number: '&cThis is not number'
    command_disabled: '&cThis command is disabled'
    reloaded_files: '&aAll configuration files have been reloaded'
    message: '&cYou don''t have permission'
    create_area: '&aArea has been created successfully'
    area_doesnt_exists: '&cArea does not exits'
    set_team_spawn: '&aSpawn place has been set successfully'
    set_heart_place: '&aHeart place has been set successfully'
    set_shop: '&aShop has been set successfully'
    area_name_doesnt_exists: '&cThis area name does not exists'
    area_currently_play: '&cThis area currently playing'
    list_of_areas: '&aList of areas: '
    empty_areas_list: '&cAreas list is empty'
    area_already_exists: '&cArea already exists'
    set_1vs1: '&a1vs1 npc has been set successfully'
    set_cosmetics_shop: '&aCosmetics shop has been set successfully'
    admin_commands_correct_use: '&cCorrect usage /mpa'
    set_lobby_location: '&aLobby location has been set successfully'
    set_game_lobby_location: '&aGame lobby location has been set successfully'
    deleted_area: '&aArea has been deleted successfully'
      - '&7--------] &aMiniPvP Admin Commands &7[--------'
      - '&7/&ampadmin create <area> &7 - Create area (You have to stand on lobby location)'
      - '&7/&ampadmin setshop <area> &7 - Set shops location'
      - '&7/&ampadmin set1vs1 &7 - Set 1vs1 NPC location'
      - '&7/&ampadmin setcosmeticsshop  &7 - Set cosmetics shop location'
      - '&7/&ampadmin setredspawn <area> &7 - Set spawn location for red team'
      - '&7/&ampadmin setbluespawn <area> &7 - Set spawn location for blue team'
      - '&7/&ampadmin setredheart <area>  &7- Set place heart for red team'
      - '&7/&ampadmin setblueheart <area>  &7- Set place heart for blue team'
      - '&7/&ampadmin addmoney <player> <amount> &7- Give pvpcoins to player'
      - '&7/&ampadmin removemoney <player> <amount> &7- Remove player pvpcoins'
      - '&7/&ampadmin reload &7- Reload all configuration files'
      - '&7/&ampadmin setlobby &7- Sets the lobby spawn location'
      - '&7/&ampadmin setgamelobby <area> &7- Sets the waiting room before game start'
      - '&7/&ampadmin delete <area> &7- Deletes the area'
    win_red_team: '&7Red team has won the game'
    win_blue_team: '&7Blue team has won the game'
    can_not_break_heart: '&cYou can not break your team heart'
    can_not_break_blocks: '&cYou can not break blocks when you are playing'
    can_not_place_blocks: '&cYou can not place blocks when you are playing'
    get_points_after_kill_player: '&aYou have gotten &6+{COST_OF_KILL_PLAYER} &apoints for kill player'
    kill_player: '&a{PLAYER_NAME} &7has been killed by &a{KILLER_NAME}'
    game_hasnt_been_started: '&cThe game has not been started'
    dont_have_empty_areas: '&cAll areas are currently playing, try again later'
    can_not_drop_items: '&cYou can not drop items'
    left_area: '&7You have left from the area'
    join_area: '&a{PLAYER_NAME} &7has join the area'
    left_player: '&a{PLAYER_NAME} &7has left the area'
    game_starts: '&7Game starts in&a '
    game_will_start: '&7Game will starts in 10 seconds'
    game_started: '&aGame started'
    cancel_timer: '&cGame can not start because, it has not enough players'
    get_points_after_win_round: '&7You have won the round,you have gotten &6+{COST_OF_ROUND} &apoints'
    player_break_heart: '&a{PLAYER_NAME} has broken the heart of {TEAM_NAME} team'
    round_starts: '&7Round starts in&a '
    round_started: '&a{ROUND_NUMBER} round has started'
    get_coins_after_win: '&7You have gotten &e{COST_OF_WIN} pvpcoins &7for wining the game'
    already_joined_game: '&cYou already joined to area. Use /mp leave'
      - '&7-------] &aMiniPvP &7[--------'
      - ''
      - '&7Winner: &6 {PLAYER_NAME}'
      - ''
    offline_player: '&cThis player does not exists'
    give_coins: '&aYou have given coins to player {PLAYER_NAME}'
    remove_coins: '&aYou have removed player coins {PLAYER_NAME}'
    doesnt_have_coins: '&cThis player does not have coins,player balance is:&7 {PLAYER_COINS}'
    already_joined: '&cYou can not join to this area because, you already playing'
    can_not_leave: '&cYou are not currently playing'
      - '&7-------] &aMiniPvP &7[--------'
      - '&7/&amp join <area> &7- Join to the area'
      - '&7/&amp leave <area> &7- Leave from the area'
      - '&7/&amp list &7- List of all areas'
      - '&7/&amp stats &7- Show your stats'
      - '&7-------] &aYour Stats &7[--------'
      - '&7Your kills:&a {PLAYER_KILLS}'
      - '&7Your deaths:&a {PLAYER_DEATHS}'
      - '&7Your wins:&a {PLAYER_WINS}'
      - '&7Your loses:&a {PLAYER_LOSES}'
      - '&7Your pvpcoins:&a {PLAYER_COINS}'
    doesnt_exists: '&cThis menu does not exists'
    dont_have_points: '&cYou don''t have points/coins to buy item'
    bought_item: '&aYou have been bought item'
    dont_have_armor: '&cYou don''t have armor'
    dont_have_sword: '&cYou don''t have sword in hand'
    action_doesnt_exists: '&cAction does not exists'
    dont_have_coins: '&cYou don''t have coins to buy item'
    disable_cosmetics: '&cThe cosmetics are currently disabled'
    reset_all_active_costemics: '&cYou have reset all cosmetics'
    dont_have_active_cosemtics: '&cYou don''t have any active cosmetics'
    reset_all_category: '&cYou have reset cosmetics of this category'
    please_reset_cosmetic: '&cPlease reset all your cosmetics of this category'
    activated_cosmetics: '&aCosmetics have activated successfully'
    already_activated: '&cThis cosmetic already activated'

Last updated